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Building Beloved Community - Creando una Comunidad Querida
Weekly Meditation
Christmas Notes
27 December 2024
I wanted to include some items of note before today’s Meditation:
1) Our Christmas Eve Festive Candlelight Eucharist was a very joyful celebration of Christ’s birth with Roslyn Gantt- Simmons singing a solo, "Only a Baby Came,” and the singing of Silent Night at the closing with the church lights dimmed. Everyone had a candle and a small child brought the Baby Jesus to the crèche and placed Him in the manger. The sanctuary and church were beautifully decorated and we welcomed a large number of visitors and their guests. Thanks to the many volunteers who stayed after church the previous Sunday to make our church so beautiful, welcoming and warm.
2) Everyone enjoyed some sherry and cookies following the Family Candlelight Service and received personal Christmas cards from me. Toasts were made and everyone enjoyed themselves!
3) Thank you in advance for your completed 2025 Pledge cards. Your pledge will enable us to build the 2025 Budget while operating with a deficit. Your generosity is very much appreciated. (If you haven’t decided on your pledge, please prayerfully do so and return it in the offering plate, the US mail, Email or to the office in the next few weeks. Thank you).
4) Thank you also for your special Christmas donations above and beyond your pledge. St. Nicholas is a very unique faith community and your donations give us some extra dollars to continue God's work both inside and outside our walls. (You should have received the 2024 Christmas Letter to the Parish and the special offering envelope in the US mail after Christmas. Sorry for its late arrival and it’s too long a story to explain why that happened). If you are disabled and can’t come to church, please put your donation in the US mail addressed to the church at 7227 Penn Avenue, Richfield. Thank you very much.
5) The Spanish Eucharist was another joyful celebration of Christ’s birth with sherry toasts and a lot of laughter! Baby Jesus’ were blessed and it was a holy time!
6) Please look at our Facebook page and find quotes, inspirational words and our events on it. Share with others so they can see how vibrant we are and possibly join us on Sundays.
7) Next office hours will be on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm if you’d like to see me about anything. Please call me in advance to set up an appointment - 320 339-4852.
Weekly Meditation - 27 December 2024
Here’s my wish for you and your loved ones for this week:
A Christmas Blessing by John O'Donohue
May the Angels in their beauty bless you.
May they turn toward you streams of blessing.
May the Angel of Awakening stir your heart
To come alive to the eternal within you,
To all the invitations that quietly surround you.
May the Angel of Healing turn your wounds
Into sources of refreshment.
May the Angel of the Imagination enable you
To stand on the true thresholds,
At ease with your ambivalence
And drawn in new direction
Through the glow of your contradictions.
May the Angel of Compassion open your eyes
To the unseen suffering around you.
May the Angel of Wildness disturb the places
Where your life is domesticated and safe,
Take you to the territories of true otherness
Where all that is awkward in you
Can fall into its own rhythm.
May the Angel of Eros introduce you
To the beauty of your senses
To celebrate your inheritance
As a temple of the holy spirit.
May the Angel of Justice disturb you
To take the side of the poor and the wronged.
May the Angel of Encouragement confirm you
In worth and self-respect,
That you may live with the dignity
That presides in your soul.
May the Angel of Death arrive only
When your life is complete
And you have brought every given gift
To the threshold where its infinity can shine.
May all the Angels be your sheltering
and joyful guardians!
See YOU on Sunday at 10:00 am or on Saturday at 4:00 pm for La Santa Misa en espanol. Happy Christmas Season to you and your loved ones!
Your servant in Jesus,
Fr. Rob+
​Meditación semanal
27 de diciembre de 2024
Este es mi deseo para ti y tus seres queridos en mi Meditación E para esta semana:
Una bendición navideña por John O’Donohue
Que los Ángeles en su belleza te bendigan.
Que dirijan hacia ti corrientes de bendiciones.
Que el Ángel del Despertar conmueva tu corazón
Para que cobres vida ante lo eterno que hay en ti,
A todas las invitaciones que te rodean silenciosamente.
Que el Ángel de la Sanación convierta tus heridas
En fuentes de refrigerio.
Que el Ángel de la Imaginación te permita
Estar en los verdaderos umbrales,
A gusto con tu ambivalencia
Y atraído en una nueva dirección
A través del resplandor de tus contradicciones.
Que el Ángel de la Compasión te abra los ojos
Al sufrimiento invisible que te rodea.
Que el Ángel de lo Salvaje perturbe los lugares
Donde tu vida es domesticada y segura,
Te lleve a los territorios de la verdadera alteridad
Donde todo lo que es incómodo en ti
Puede caer en su propio ritmo.
Que el Ángel de Eros te introduzca
a la belleza de tus sentidos
para celebrar tu herencia
como templo del espíritu santo.
Que el Ángel de la Justicia te perturbe
para ponerse del lado de los pobres y los agraviados.
Que el Ángel del Ánimo te confirme
en ​​el valor y el respeto por ti mismo,
para que puedas vivir con la dignidad
que preside en tu alma.
Que el Ángel de la Muerte llegue solo
cuando tu vida esté completa
y hayas llevado cada don dado
al umbral donde su infinitud pueda brillar.
¡Que todos los Ángeles sean tus protectores
y tus alegres guardianes!
¡Nos vemos el Martes 31 Diciembre de 2024 a las 5:30 pm por la Fiesta del Santísimo Nombre y el sábado a las 4:00 pm para La Santa Misa en español! Feliz Ano Nuevo!
Tu siervo en Jesús,
Padre Rob+
Since its beginning, St. Nicholas Episcopal Church has been a place for residents of Richfield and surrounding suburbs to come together and worship as part of a strong, loving community with fellow believers and searchers. We’re always happy to see you and warmly welcome visitors.
When you walk into the worship space at St. Nicholas, you can almost feel the thousands of prayers that have been said here over the years — for it is a holy and sacred space. It is here that we pray for the world, our country, each other, and our communities.
Our worship uses the best of the Episcopal tradition — classic prayers from our Book of Common Prayer as well as beautiful contemporary prayers. We read several passages from the Bible. A sermon may be given offering reflections on the readings, or we may have an interactive sermon time when the congregation shares what they heard! We share Communion often, sing music from a variety of sources, and put our concerns in God’s hands.
Our community of faith does not discriminate based on race, color, beliefs, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, place of residence, or political affiliation. We are simply the Church that seeks to be a place where anyone can have a personal encounter with God, whatever their social condition, without being judged.
We are rooted in the stories of the Bible and believe worship is something that can be expressed in everything we do. Our philosophy is founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Coming together as a community strengthens and guides us in our daily life. For those who wish to join us, our congregation is always waiting with open hearts. No matter who you are, there’s a special place for you in our community. Get in touch today or come and visit us in person.
Oracion Y Adoracion En Nuestra Amada Comunidad
Desde sus Inicios, la Iglesia Episcopal de St. Nicholas ha sido un lugar para que los residentes de richfield Y los Suburbios circundantes se reunan y adoren como parte de una comunidad fuerte y amorosa con otros creyentes y buscadores. Siempre estamos felices de verte y dar una calurosa bienvenida a los visitantes.
Cuando entras al espacio de adoracion en St.Nicholas, casi puedes sentir las miles de oraciones que se han dicho aqui a lo largo de los años, porque es un espacio sagrado. Es aqui donde oramos por el mundo, nuestro pais, los unos por los otros y nuestras comunidades.
Nuestra adoracion utiliza lo mejor de la tradicion episcopal: oraciones clasicas de nuestro Libro de Oracion Comun, asi como hermosas Oraciones contemporaneas. Leemos tres pasajes de la biblia, y se puede dar un sermon ofreciendo reflexiones sobre las lecturas. Compartimos la Comunion a menudo, Cantamos musica de una variedad de fuentes y ponemos nuestras preocupaciones en las manos de dios.
Nuestra comunidad de fe no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, creencias, origen nacional, sexo, estado civil, orientacion sexual, lugar de residencia o afilicion politica. Somos simplemente la iglesia que buscar ser un lugar donde sus miembros pueden tener un encuentro personal con dios, cualquiera que sea su condicion social, sin ser juzgados.
Estamos arraigados en las historias de la biblia y creemos que la adoracion es algo que se puede expresar en todo lo que hacemos. Nuestra filosofia es fundemental en la vida y enseñanzas de jesucristo.
El unirnos como comunidad nos fortalece y nos guia en nuestra vida diaria. Para aquellos que deseen unirse a nosotros, nuestra congregacion siempre esta esperando con el corazon abierto. No importa quien sea, hay un lugar especial para usted en nuestra comunidad. Pongase en contacto hoy o venga a visitarnos en persona.